Marvin E. Johnson, J.D.
Marvin Johnson is a nationally recognized mediator, arbitrator, and trainer with over 27 years of dispute resolution experience. Mr. Johnson received his Doctorate of Jurisprudence from Catholic University. Mr. Johnson has worked for the Department of Labor, the Federal Labor Relations Authority, the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, the National Treasury Employees Union, the National Football League Players’ Association, the National Academy of Conciliators, and was Professor of Labor Relations, Law, and Dispute Resolution at Bowie State University.
Mr. Johnson serves as a mediator, an arbitrator, a fact-finder, and a facilitator in public and private disputes. He provides diversity and dispute resolution training, and lectures extensively on the subject of conflict management. Some of the organizations for which he has provided diversity related trainings and lectures include: The International Academy of Mediators (Cultural Diversity, 1997); Society of Professionals in Dispute Resolution (Conflict Resolution and Diversity, 1999, Advancing the Discussion on Diversity, 1998, Participatory Dialogues on Cultural Diversity, 1994-97); the University of Baltimore Law School (The Importance of Being Sensitive to Cultural Differences, 1995); Department of the Interior, National Park Service (Diversity and the Hostile Work Environment, 1997); the National Institute for Dispute Resolution=s Program for visitors from South Africa, Nepal and Japan

(Sharing Cultural Differences and Indigenous Forms of Dispute Resolution, 1993); and the American Bar Association (The Participation of Women and Minorities in the ADR Field, 1996 and Women and Minorities Form, 2004, 2003, 2002). Mr. Johnson is the Founder and Editor of the Journal, APractical Dispute Resolution.
Mr. Johnson has co-facilitated workshops with Susan Hahn and has become knowledgeable in use of the Strength Deployment Inventory profiling tool.