Michele Roden
Developing sustainable goals with her clients depends on Michele’s greatest business strength—designing comprehensive coaching solutions tied to specific business results. Capitalizing on that strength has enabled her clients to translate what they learned from MBA books to on-the-job accomplishments; to stop thinking like task managers and start thinking like strategic leaders; to maximize their involvement with board members and improve board relations; and to create cultures that inspire performance rather than stifle it. Michele makes it seem easy thanks to her greatest personal strengths—her ability to help clients discover their inner confidence and take risks while always putting them at ease with her candid and straightforward approach.
In addition to her certifications from The International Coach Federation, the leading worldwide association for leadership coaches, and from the Coaches Training Institute, the largest in-person coach training school, Michele completed a yearlong course in Co-Active Space Leadership, enabling her to develop authentic leadership strategies and engage teams through experiential learning techniques. She also completed the Executive Leadership course at the National Defense University in Washington, D.C., which further

developed her personal leadership philosophy and where she gained insight into what the government, military and private industry demand from their executive leaders.